Multiple Teeth Implant

Multiple Teeth Implant Guide in Turkey

multiple teeth implant


Just as with one missing tooth, several missing teeth can be easily treated with mutiple teeth implant. They don’t slip or click, and there is no worry about them moving or falling out when speaking, eating, or participating in activities, because dental implants are placed directly into the bone. They help preserve the jawbone and prevent bone deterioration.

multiple teeth implant surgery


Multiple teeth implant is a straightforward process which can be completed under local anaesthetic. This procedure can be used to securely anchor replacement teeth, leaving you with a new smile that looks and feels so natural.

The implant itself is a titanium screw placed into the jaw, to replace an original root. The implant will need 3 to 6 months to heal and bond with your jaw bone to provide a solid support for your replacement tooth.

Temporary replacement teeth are usually fitted at the same time as your implant placement, which will stay in place until the final restoration appointment.

Advantages of multiple teeth implant procedure

The advantages of multiple teeth implant procedure are as follows:

• looking and functioning like natural teeth:

Multiple teeth implant is looking and functioning like natural teeth, because it replace teeth without support from adjacent natural teeth.

• Short time for maintenance:

Multiple teeth implants don’t require a long time for maintenance.

• Your bone will be better preserved:

Because multiple teeth implant will replace some of your tooth roots, your bone will be better preserved. Dental implants integrate with your jawbone, helping to keep the bone healthy and your natural smile intact.

multiple teeth implant prepare

prepare for multiple teeth implant procedure

Not everyone is a good candidate for implants, your dentist will conduct a thorough consultation and exam. 

During this visit, your medical and dental history will be reviewed, and the dentist will inspect your gums, teeth, and jaw to make sure there is no decay and that there is adequate density in the jawbone to support the implants. 

The dentist will also ask about any medical conditions and lifestyle habits, such as smoking, that may indicate that dental implants are not the right option.

steps of multiple teeth implant procedure

The steps of multiple teeth implant procedure are as follow:

Step 1- Expose the underlying jawbone:

The first step of the procedure is usually to use a scalpel to create and peel back two gum flaps to expose the underlying jawbone.

Step 2- A hole will be drilled into the jawbone:

A hole will then be drilled into the jawbone to make room for the implant, and the implant will be inserted. This process will be repeated for all of the implants.

Step 3-The two flaps of gum tissue will be trimmed:

The two flaps of gum tissue will then be trimmed, shaped and repositioned back over the jawbone and around the implant’s healing cap. A few sutures will be placed to hold the gum tissue in place; the sutures will be removed in seven to ten days.

Step 3-Create the bridge:

Finally, the bridge created to replicate your natural teeth will be attached to the abutments. After a short time, you will experience restored confidence in your smile and your ability to chew and speak normally.


multiple teeth implant aftercare

multiple teeth implant aftercare

You don’t have to worry about the multiple teeth implant aftercare. Dental implants don’t require high maintenance.

You should brush twice a day, as recommended by dentists. Use a soft toothbrush and low-abrasive toothpaste.

Use implant-specific floss to floss daily. It’s important to remove hard-to-reach food particles without harming the gums.

Avoid smoking, because smoking affects the quality of the implants and causes oral problems. Rinse your mouth with an oral irrigator.

risks and complications of multiple teeth implant

The risks and complications of multiple teeth implant are as follow:

• The implant not ‘taking’ to the bone:

The most common dental implant complication is when the implant and bone do not bond.If this happens, we can simply take the implant back out easily and painlessly.

• Peri-implantitis:

This is a disease which can affect the surrounding gum and bone, raising the risk of dental implants not succeeding. Over time, peri-implantitis can lead to bone loss and the loosening of your implant.

• Nerve damage:

Because they are surgically placed into your jaw, there is also a slight risk of dental implants causing nerve damage in the process of your procedure.

• Gum disease:

Periodontitis, the advanced form of gum disease, can cause bone deterioration which will greatly impact the chances of your treatment working.

• Infection:

Infection can occur if proper hygiene protocols are not followed or if the implant is rejected by the body’s immune system.


A multiple teeth implant is a dental procedure designed to replace several missing teeth within the same area of the mouth. It involves the surgical placement of titanium posts into the jawbone, which act as artificial roots.

Preparing for multiple teeth implant surgery requires careful planning and consideration. First, patients should consult with their oral surgeon to discuss the procedure, risks, and aftercare. It’s essential to undergo a comprehensive dental examination, including imaging studies, to assess bone density and the health of surrounding teeth. Patients are advised to follow specific dietary recommendations, avoiding certain foods leading up to the surgery, particularly hard or crunchy items.

Caring for multiple teeth implants requires diligent attention to oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups. After the procedure, the individual should maintain a consistent brushing routine using a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean around the implants gently. Flossing is equally important; using specialized floss or interdental brushes can help reach areas around the implants effectively.

Peri-implantitis is an inflammatory condition that occurs around dental implants after surgery involving multiple teeth implants. It is characterized by redness, swelling, and infection of the gum tissue surrounding the implant, often leading to bone loss.

Multiple teeth implants can potentially cause nerve damage, but this risk is relatively low when the procedure is performed by an experienced dental professional. Nerve injury generally occurs if the implant is placed too close to existing nerves or if the surgical procedure is not executed carefully.

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a serious infection that affects the gums and the supporting structures of the teeth. It typically begins with inflammation of the gums, known as gingivitis, caused by the accumulation of plaque—a sticky film of bacteria. If left untreated, gum disease can progress to periodontitis, which can le


Multiple teeth implant provides several advantages over fixed bridges and removable partial dentures. It is more natural-looking, functional, decay-resistant and comfortable than a fixed bridge.


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