Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction Guide in Turkey

Tooth extraction


Although permanent teeth were meant to last a lifetime, there are a number of reasons why tooth extraction may be needed. A very common reason involves a tooth that is too badly damaged, from trauma or decay, to be repaired.


A tooth extraction is a procedure to remove a tooth from the gum socket. It is usually done by a general dentist, an oral surgeon, or a periodontist.

A tooth extraction may be necessary for many reasons, including severe damage or decay. It is one of the most common dental procedures, a tooth extraction can eliminate bacteria and improve your overall oral health.

Benefits of tooth extraction

There are many benefits of tooth extraction, here are some of them :


• Removing the source of an infection:

If the innermost layer of a tooth (called the pulp) gets infected, root canal treatment may be able to remove the infected tissue and prevent the need for an extraction. However, that isn’t always possible. In some cases, an infection is so severe that removing the tooth is the smartest choice.

• Relief from pain: 

Removing an affected tooth stops it from sending pain signals to your brain. Therefore, one of the top benefits of a tooth extraction is that it can provide almost immediate relief from a toothache.

• A lower risk of future problems:

In some cases, tooth removal is recommended as a precautionary measure to prevent future dental problems. This is often true with wisdom teeth, the third molars at the back of the mouth.

• Making room for orthodontia:

Once in a while, it might be necessary to remove a perfectly healthy tooth. This is sometimes true with orthodontic patients who have extra teeth or severely crowded teeth.

• Opening the way for a stronger smile:

Patients who are already missing some teeth, as well as those with severely weak or worn-down teeth, might choose to undergo extractions so they can get dental implants.


Tooth extraction prepare

prepare for tooth extraction procedure

Your dentist will assess your affected tooth and surrounding gums. He will also take dental X-rays to check bone levels and determine the extent of damage.

 Be sure to tell your dentist about any medications, vitamins or supplements you’re taking. Once all information is gathered, treatment and sedation options will be discussed with you in detail.

steps of tooth extraction procedure

A tooth extraction procedure includes the following steps:

Step 1- Anesthesia:

Prior to removal, the dentist will numb the areas surrounding the tooth so the patient will not feel any pain.

Step 2- Tooth extraction:

During extraction, the tooth is removed from its socket. To do so, the dentist rocks the tooth back and forth to widen the socket so the tooth can be separated from the associated ligament. Next, the dentist uses forceps to grasp the tooth and pull it out of the socket.

Step 3- Space closing:

After the tooth is removed, the dentist must close the space where it used to be. Any loose bone or infected tissue will be removed, and the socket will be compressed so it can return to its original size.


Tooth extraction aftercare

tooth extraction aftercare

Keep the extraction site clean. You Should gently rinse the area with an antimicrobial mouthwash two to three times a day. Avoid brushing directly over your extraction site until your dentist tells you it’s safe to do so.

Brush and floss all other areas normally. Take all medications as directed. Your dentist may prescribe antibiotics and pain relievers.

risks and complications of tooth extraction

The risks and complications of tooth extraction procedure are as follow:

• Improper teeth alignment:

Following the extraction of a tooth, the remaining teeth may move, leading to misalignment of the teeth and changes to the bite.

• Bite collapse:

This is also known as a loss of vertical dimension of occlusion and involves rotation of the lower jaw closer to the upper jaw. As a result, changes in the muscle contractions needed to chew can present and eventually lead to symptoms such as dry, chapped, or cracked lips.

• Osteoradionecrosis:

This condition known as osteoradionecrosis after having a tooth extracted. This condition is characterized by the death of the bone underneath the extracted tooth due to damage to the blood vessels that serve the bone as a result of exposure to radiation.

• Dry socket (Osteitis):

When a tooth is extracted, a blood clot naturally forms over the area where the tooth previously sat. In some cases, this blood clot may be dislodged prematurely, which can lead to a condition known as osteitis or dry socket.

• Nerve injury:

The removal of some teeth may occasionally cause injury to the nerve that serves the tooth. As a result, the area may feel numb or tingly on a permanent basis.



A tooth extraction is a procedure to remove a tooth from the gum socket. It is usually done by a general dentist, an oral surgeon, or a periodontist.


During extraction, the tooth is removed from its socket. To do so, the dentist rocks the tooth back and forth to widen the socket so the tooth can be separated from the associated ligament. Next, the dentist uses forceps to grasp the tooth and pull it out of the socket.

This is also known as a loss of vertical dimension of occlusion and involves rotation of the lower jaw closer to the upper jaw. As a result, changes in the muscle contractions needed to chew can present and eventually lead to symptoms such as dry, chapped, or cracked lips.

This condition known as osteoradionecrosis after having a tooth extracted. This condition is characterized by the death of the bone underneath the extracted tooth due to damage to the blood vessels that serve the bone as a result of exposure to radiation.

When a tooth is extracted, a blood clot naturally forms over the area where the tooth previously sat. In some cases, this blood clot may be dislodged prematurely, which can lead to a condition known as osteitis or dry socket.


Removing your affected tooth gives you the best chance for optimal oral health. Additionally, a tooth extraction can help ease dental pain almost immediately, especially if your tooth was severely broken or infected.


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