SADI-S Surgery

SADI-S Surgery Guide in Turkey



Obesity is a chronic disease that affects a large number of individuals. One of the treatment options for severe obesity is bariatric surgery, which includes different surgical techniques. SADI-S surgery is a relatively new technique that has been shown to be effective and safe for weight loss and treatment of comorbidities associated with obesity.


SADI-S surgery (Single anastomosis duodeno–ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy) is a newer surgery than duodenal switch surgery. The key benefit of SADI-S is that one intestinal bypass is made, rather than two, resulting in less time in surgery and reduced risk of intestinal leakage.

Bariatric surgeons achieve remarkable results with this innovative surgical solution, witch is a two-step laparoscopic procedure that begins with the removal of 80 percent of the stomach.

Benefits of sadi-s surgery

There are many benefits of SASDI-S surgery, here are some of them :

• Increase the amount of nutrients the body can absorb:

SADI-S removes less of the intestine than other types of bariatric surgeries, increasing the amount of nutrients your body will be able to absorb.

• Less risk of contents leaking from the intestine into the body cavity:

Because only one new intestinal connection is made in SADI-S, there is less risk of contents leaking from the intestine into the body cavity.

• preventing the possibility of future bowel obstruction:

Since this surgery relies on individual contact, it has the advantage of preventing the possibility of intestinal obstruction in the future.

prepare for sadi-s surgery

Before having SADI-S surgery, you’ll be on a special diet that helps reduce fat in the abdomen and shrink the size of the liver, allowing the surgeon to more easily navigate the abdomen’s internal structures with the laparoscope.

After the procedure, your diet will be strictly limited to liquids for the first week, such as fruit drinks and non-fat milk, for the second. The menu changes to pureed foods for the third and fourth weeks. In the fifth and sixth weeks, there are many foods you will be able to eat, but all in limited amounts.

steps of sadi-s surgery

  SADI-S surgery includes the following steps:

Step 1- Anesthesia:

General anesthesia is applied during the surgery.

Step 2- Reducing the size of the stomach:

The surgery starts the same way as the sleeve gastrectomy, making a smaller tube-shaped stomach.

Step 3- Connecting a loop of intestine to the stomach:

A loop of the intestine is measured several feet from its end and is then connected to the stomach.

Step 4- Close the incisions:

The surgeon closes the incisions in the abdominal wall.


recovery after sadi-s surgery

SADI-S surgery takes about 3 hours to perform and the hospital stay is 1-2 days. Patients usually return to work in 2-4 weeks. After the surgery, you will also need to take daily vitamin supplements especially fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E and K).

After your surgery, you should rely on fluids in your diet, such as water and broth for 1 day. You should also rely on protein drinks, yogurt, and egg whites for a week.

By day 7, more smooth textures can be added (cottage cheese, and oatmeal.). At day 14, soft textures are included (chicken, turkey, fish, and beans.). At day 35, most foods can be added back in, gradually.


risks and complications of sadi-s

The risks and complications of SADI-S surgery are as follow:

• Leak risk:

There are three potential sites of leak in this operation. Stomach tube can have a leak commonly. Intestinal connection is also a rare site of leak. Blind end of the proximal intestine (Duodenum) is a rare site of leak which is very difficult to manage. Duodenal stump leak is a unique risk to this operation.

• No long term data:

SADI-S surgery is a novel operation and currently long term data beyond five years is not available.

• No ERCP:

Tube draining the liver and the pancreas to the intestine (Bile duct) can be accessed at its intestinal end using an endoscopic technique (ERCP). At SADI-S operation intestine is divided before the bile duct entry point preventing this access.

• Diarrhoea:

As the length of the intestinal bypass is more with SADI-S ingested meal passes through to the colon quicker and more unabsorbed material are available in the colon. This can lead to lose and frequent stools, a problem that improves with time with gut adaptation.

• Nutritional deficiency:

With SADI-S operation length of small bowel available for nutritional absorption is 300cm compared to 80 cm in DS. As a result Nutritional deficiency is less of a problem in SADI-S but still a major long term concern.

• No reversal:

As a major part of the stomach has been removed at this operation and rejoining the intestinal ends are nearly impossible, reversal of SADI-S is not possible.



SADI-S surgery, or Single Anastomosis Duodeno-ileal bypass with Sleeve gastrectomy, is a weight loss procedure designed for individuals struggling with obesity. This innovative approach combines two surgical techniques: a sleeve gastrectomy, which reduces the size of the stomach, and a duodeno-ileal bypass that alters the intestines to limit calorie absorption.

SADI surgery, while beneficial for some patients, does come with certain disadvantages. One notable drawback is the potential for nutritional deficiencies, as the surgery alters the digestive process, impacting nutrient absorption. Additionally, there is a risk of complications such as infections or leaks at the surgical site, which can lead to longer recovery times.

The recovery time after SADI-S surgery can vary significantly among individuals. Generally, most patients can expect to return to work within two to six weeks following the procedure.

After SADI-S surgery, the length of the small bowel available for nutritional absorption typically ranges between 150 to 200 centimeters. This procedure, which modifies the digestive system to promote weight loss and improve metabolic conditions, often results in a reduction of the effective absorptive surface area.

SADI-S surgery, or Single Anastomosis Duodeno-ileal Bypass with Sleeve Gastrectomy, is a weight loss procedure designed to help individuals struggling with obesity. While it can lead to significant weight loss and health improvements, reversing this surgery is complex and not commonly performed.


SADI-S surgery, removes less of the intestine than other types of bariatric surgeries, so that the amount of nutrients your body will be able to absorb will be bigger. You will need to take vitamins for the rest of your life, however.


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