Placeholder Treatment

Placeholder treatment Guide in Turkey



loss of milk teeth in early time is a health problem that should not be neglected, as it can lead to serious orthodontic problems in the future. Placeholder treatment will protect the gap between the teeth, that is resulting form early loss of milk teeth.


The function of milk teeth is to protect the permanent teeth underneath them until they emerge.

 Milk teeth can be lost in early time due to reasons such as infection, tooth decay, tooth root resorption, and genetic factors.

The gap created by the lost tooth should be protected with placeholder support until the permanent tooth below erupts. 

The placeholders are apparatus used to prevent the neighboring teeth from heading towards the extraction gap, thus preventing the formation of orthodontic disorders in the future.


Benefits of placeholder treatment

In addition to tooth alignment, there are two distinct benefits of using the placeholder, which we will mention below:

• Promoting correct chewing and speaking:

Placeholders provide proper alignment, allowing for more effective chewing and digestion. Furthermore, well aligned teeth are necessary for easy speech.

• Preventing speech difficulties:

Misaligned teeth can cause speech issues, such as lisping. Placeholder helps to prevent this by encouraging natural alignment and clear, confident communication.

time required for placeholder treatment

Time required for placeholder operation

To operate the placeholder, two short sessions are sufficient. After taking measurements from the child in the first session, dental technicians prepare the placeholder. The placeholder prepared in the second session is applied to the child’s mouth by the physician. It is very easy to apply and use.

steps of place holder treatment

A place holder treatment includes the following steps:

Step 1- Manufacture of placeholder apparatuses:

Placeholder apparatuses are specially made by the technician according to the structure of the child’s mouth.

Step 2- Situations evaluation:

Situations such as the missing tooth and the age of the child are evaluated and it is decided which placeholder to apply.
Step 3- Placeholder preparation:

Measurements are taken from the child’s mouth and sent to the technician and the appropriate placeholder is prepared for the teeth.

Step 4- Apply the placeholder teeth:

The placeholders are applied and examined every 6 months by the dentist.


placeholder aftercare

placeholder aftercare

Children who use placeholders should clean the mouth and teeth. Otherwise, the food accumulating around this appliance may form new bruises. If sores occur when first used, a physician should be consulted immediately.

It is important to use the placeholder every day. In case of interruption of use, the compatibility of the appliance with the mouth may be interrupted.

Placeholders should be removed before sleep, cleaned and kept in water. If it stays dry for a long time, it loses its harmony with the mouth.

side effects of placeholder treatment

A placeholder treatment side effects include:

• The placeholder could potentially get dislodged, and choke a child.

• The placeholders can also get broken and lost.

• The placeholder leads to plaque accumulation if not cleaned regularly.

• The placeholder could cause interference with the eruption of the future tooth, and potentially even slow down its growth.



The function of milk teeth is to protect the permanent teeth underneath them until they emerge.

Milk teeth can be lost in early time due to reasons such as infection, tooth decay, tooth root resorption, and genetic factors.

The placeholders are apparatus used to prevent the neighboring teeth from heading towards the extraction gap, thus preventing the formation of orthodontic disorders in the future.

To operate the placeholder, two short sessions are sufficient. After taking measurements from the child in the first session, dental technicians prepare the placeholder. The placeholder prepared in the second session is applied to the child’s mouth by the physician. It is very easy to apply and use.

Children who use placeholders should clean the mouth and teeth. Otherwise, the food accumulating around this appliance may form new bruises. If sores occur when first used, a physician should be consulted immediately.

It is important to use the placeholder every day. In case of interruption of use, the compatibility of the appliance with the mouth may be interrupted.

Placeholders should be removed before sleep, cleaned and kept in water. If it stays dry for a long time, it loses its harmony with the mouth.


Placeholder is an excellent for situations when only one tooth is missing, or when the device needs to be easily modified. Placeholders can be removed for cleaning and oral hygiene reasons, and thet are are a pleasant and practical solution.


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