Gum Inflammation

Gum Inflammation Guide in Turkey

gum inflammation


If you have swollen and red gums, then your gums are inflamed. The most common cause of gum inflammation is gum disease, but poor oral hygiene, improper brushing or flossing, tobacco use, and hormone changes can also play a role.



Gum inflammation is a common problem for many people, with many different potential causes. Most are nothing to worry about and are easily resolved with treatment.

The main cause of gum infflamation is plaque, or biofilm, as a result of poor oral hygiene. When it builds up, plaque can lead to an infection of the gums called gingivitis, or early gum disease.

The bacteria in the plaque irritate the delicate gum tissue, and the result is swollen, inflamed gums. You might also notice that your gums bleed when brushing or flossing.

Benefits of gum inflammation treatment

There are many benefits of gum inflammation treatment, here are some of them :

• Fresh breath:

Bad breath is a typical indication of gum inflammation, as it is generated by decomposing food particles, germs, and plaque. After this therapy, you will be able to experience the pleasures of naturally fresh breath once more.

• Reduces oral discomfort:

Gum inflammation causes gums to become painful and swollen throughout the day, and bleed during brushing. This symptoms should begin to fade as periodontic treatment is delivered.

• Prevents dental complications:

Treatment for gum inflammation also aids in the prevention of more significant oral health issues. so that due to the high level of germs in the mouth, patients with gum disease are more likely to develop tooth decay.

• Oral health restoration:

Gum inflammation treatment’s main goal is to restore optimal dental health. You can restore pink, healthy gum tissue by removing germs, plaque, and tartar from the mouth. 

• A beautiful smile:

The gums play an essential role in the appearance of your smile because they frame your teeth. Gum inflammation causes your gums to swell and bleed, making you feel self-conscious.

• Better overall health:

Gum inflammation has a direct effect on general health. Gum disease sufferers may have an increased risk of heart disease, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and respiratory disease.


prepare for gum inflammation treatment

prepare for gum inflammation treatment

Your dentist or periodontist can do the procedure for gum inflammation treatment in his clinic.

The time needed to perform the procedure, and time needed to heal will vary from person to person.

You may have local anesthesia to numb the treatment area. If necessary, your dentist might give you medicine to help you relax.

Causes of gum inflammation

The most frequent root causes of gum inflammation are listed below:

• Poor dental hygiene:

Sometimes, food debris remains between the tooth and the gum line. If a person does not remove the debris, it can cause plaque buildup and the gum inflammation.

• Dental abscess:

A dental abscess is a collection of pus that forms within a tooth or its surrounding structures due to a bacterial infection. A dental abscess may lead to gum inflammation.

• Pregnancy:

Gum inflammation can happen as a result of the numerous hormonal changes that occur within the body during pregnancy.

• New dental appliances:

Your gums require some time to adjust when you get new dental appliances, such as dentures, braces, or retainers. Up to that time, swelling might happen.

• Diet:

Inadequate nutrition, with low levels of vitamin C, can lead to gum inflammation.

• Mouthwash or toothpaste response due to sensitivity:

Gum inflammation can result from sensitivity to specific products. Usually, the culprit is a new toothpaste or mouthwash.


gum inflammation treatment aftercare

After having a gum inflammation treatment, you should brush your teeth at least twice per day and floss at least once per day. You may experience some discomfort when you do this, but this should subside within the first three days after your treatment.

You may experience some bleeding from your gums, but this too should pass, and you should notice much less bleeding as you continue to brush and floss normally.

If your gums are tender, be sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush very gently in circular motions along the gum line. This is very important to avoid further irritation in your gum inflammation treatment aftercare.

risks and complications of gum inflammation

If you have gum inflammation and it’s not treated, it can cause more severe complications, this complications are as follow:

• Spread of infection:

The infection can spread to all areas of your gums and the alveolar bone surrounding your teeth.

• Persistent bad breath:

Gum inflammation can cause persistent bad breath (halitosis) and bleeding gums, as well as gradually receding gums.

• Gangrene:

In rare cases, gum inflammation can lead to gangrene affecting the lips and cheeks. This happens when tissue starts to die and waste away. If you develop gangrene, you may need to have the dead tissue removed.


The main cause of gum infflamation is plaque, or biofilm, as a result of poor oral hygiene. When it builds up, plaque can lead to an infection of the gums called gingivitis, or early gum disease.

Bad breath is a typical indication of gum inflammation, as it is generated by decomposing food particles, germs, and plaque. After this therapy, you will be able to experience the pleasures of naturally fresh breath once more.

You may have local anesthesia to numb the treatment area. If necessary, your dentist might give you medicine to help you relax.

A dental abscess is a collection of pus that forms within a tooth or its surrounding structures due to a bacterial infection. A dental abscess may lead to gum inflammation.

In rare cases, gum inflammation can lead to gangrene affecting the lips and cheeks. This happens when tissue starts to die and waste away. If you develop gangrene, you may need to have the dead tissue removed.


In many cases, a person can prevent gum inflammation by practicing good oral hygiene, which involves brushing and flossing regularly and visiting the dentist for routine checkups.


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