Bone Fractures Repair

Bone Fractures Repair Guide in Turkey

Bone Fracture Prepare


Bone fractures are very common injury and can occur at any age. People over the age of 50 who have a family history of osteoporosis are at higher risk of bone injuries than others.

Bone Fracture Prepare surgery


Bone fractures are caused by trauma, sports injuries, or accidents. Some conditions and activities (such as running) can predispose a person to certain types of fractures.

When a person has a broken bone, they may need surgery to repair the fracture. In other cases, a fracture only requires a splint, cast, brace, or belt to hold the bone in place.

The time it takes to fully recover depends on which bone is broken, where the fracture is located, and what caused it.

Types of bone fractures

There are different types of bone fractures, we will mention below:

• Closed (simple) fracture :

In this type of fracture, the fracture does not penetrate the surface of the skin.

• Open (compound) fracture:

In this type of fracture, the broken bone juts out through the skin, or a wound leads to the fracture place. It may cause infection and external bleeding.

• Green stick fracture :

This type of fracture is a small, thin crack in the bone. This can occur in children, because their bones are more flexible that an adult’s bones.

• Hairline fracture :

Hairline fracture often occurs in the foot or lower leg as a result of repeated stress from activities such as jogging or running.

• Complicated fracture:

In this case, structures surrounding the fracture are injured. There may be damage to the veins, arteries or nerves, and there may also be injury to the lining of the bone (the periosteum).

• Comminuted fracture :

The bone is shattered into small pieces. This type of fracture heals slowly.

• Avulsion fracture :

muscles are anchored to bone with tendons. Powerful muscle contractions can wrench the tendon free and pull out pieces of bone. This type of fracture is more common in the knee and shoulder joints.

• Compression fracture:

This fracture occurs when 2 bones are forced against each other. The bones of the spine, called vertebrae, can have this type of fracture.


prepare Bone Fracture Prepare

prepare for bone fractures repair

Before having surgery to repair the bone fractures, you should tell your surgeon about your medical history, including previous surgeries or chronic conditions. You should also the doctor about any medications you are taking.

Your surgeon will order X-rays or an MRI to see exactly where the bone is broken. You should not eat anything after midnight the day before the procedure.

steps of bone fractures repair surgery

Bone fractures repair surgery can take several hours. This surgery includes the following steps:

Step 1-Anesthesia:

The surgeon may give you a general anesthesia to put you to sleep during your surgery or local anesthesia to numb only the broken limb.

Step 2-Making an incision over the fracture site:

The surgeon may make an incision over the fracture site if a plate and screws are to be utilized. He may make an incision at the end of a long bone and place a rod down the inner aspect of the bone to stabilize and repair a fracture.

Step 3-Setting the fractured bone into place:

The surgeon may use metal screws, pins, rods, or plates to secure the bone in place. These can be either temporary or permanent. The doctor might recommend a bone graft if your bone shattered into fragments during your original injury.

Step 4-Repair the blood vessels:

Blood vessels that were damaged during your injury will be repaired during surgery.

Step 5-Close the incisions:

When the broken bone has been set properly, your surgeon closes the incision wound with stitches or staples and wraps it in a clean dressing.

recovery after Bone Fracture Prepare

recovery after bone fractures repair surgery

Bone fractures repair surgery will typically take six to eight weeks for recovoring. However, this time frame can vary based on the fracture type and location. Depending on the extent of your injury and surgery, you may need to stay in the hospital overnight or longer.

There will be some pain and swelling after the surgery. Icing, elevating, and resting the broken limb can help to reduce inflammation. If your pain starts to worsen after a few days instead of getting better, call your doctor.

Your surgeon will give you instructions about how to care for your stitches or staples. Doctors will often place a surgical bandage over the site that they will remove at a follow-up visit.

risks and complications of bone fracture repair

The risks and complications of bone fractures repair surgery are as follow:


• Blood clots:

Immobilization after a fracture increases the risk of developing blood clots in the deep veins of the legs, which can be life-threatening if they travel to the lungs.

• Bone heals in the wrong position:

A fracture may heal in the wrong position, or the bones may shift during the recovery period.

• Disruption of bone growth:

If a childhood bone fracture becomes disrupted during healing, this may affect the typical development of that bone. This can raise the risk of future deformity in the bone.

• Bone or bone marrow infection:

In a compound fracture, bacteria can enter through a break in the skin and infect the bone or bone marrow.

• Bone death (avascular necrosis):

If the bone loses its essential supply of blood, it may die.



Bone fractures are caused by trauma, sports injuries, or accidents. Some conditions and activities (such as running) can predispose a person to certain types of fractures.

This type of fracture is a small, thin crack in the bone. This can occur in children, because their bones are more flexible that an adult’s bones.

Hairline fracture often occurs in the foot or lower leg as a result of repeated stress from activities such as jogging or running.

The surgeon may use metal screws, pins, rods, or plates to secure the bone in place. These can be either temporary or permanent. The doctor might recommend a bone graft if your bone shattered into fragments during your original injury.

If a childhood bone fracture becomes disrupted during healing, this may affect the typical development of that bone. This can raise the risk of future deformity in the bone.


Some bones can heal by wearing a cast, and others may require more invasive treatments, such as bone fracture repair. Bone fractures repair is a surgery to repair a broken bone using metal screws, pins, rods, or plates to hold the bone in place.


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