Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay Guide in Turkey

baby bottle tooth decay


Young children can be susceptible to what is known as baby bottle decay. This issue is caused by the excessive consumption of sugary liquids that leave teeth exposed to decay-causing bacteria. Preventing baby bottle tooth decay is easier than treating it.


Because of the frequent and long-term exposure of a child’s teeth to liquids containing sugars, baby bottle tooth decay may occur.

The sugars in these liquids pool around the infant’s teeth and gums, feeding the bacteria in plaque. Acid produced by these bacteria attack the teeth and gums. After numerous attacks, tooth decay can begin.

The condition also is associated with breast-fed infants or with children whose pacifiers are frequently dipped in honey, sugar or syrup. The sweet fluids left in the mouth while the infant is sleeping increase the chances of cavities.

Preventing baby bottle tooth decay?

There are three solutions to prevent bottle tooth decay. These solutions are listed bellow:

• Avoid unnecessary sugar intake:

Bottles with sugary drinks should not be given throughout the day, nor should they be used as a comfort to fall asleep at night. If your child can’t do without a bottle at bedtime, simply fill it with water.

• Adopt good oral hygiene:

Cleaning teeth at an early age is the best way to prevent baby bottle tooth decay. You can start cleaning babies’ teeth with water-soaked pads.

• Visit the pedodontist regularly:

In fact, regular follow-up by the dentist helps prevent your child’s bottle syndrome from getting worse.


baby bottle tooth decay signs

Signs of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?

Often, the decay that is resulting from sugary liquids given to the baby through a feeding bottle occur on the upper front teeth (called ‘upper incisors’). 

The decay can appear as dark or brown spots on the teeth. As the decay worsens, children might experience pain and swelling around the teeth.

Stages of baby bottle tooth decay

Tooth decay occurs according to the following five stages:


Chalky white spots:

These spots are caused by the demineralization of the tooth enamel, which is caused by acids produced by bacteria in the mouth.

• Decay of the dental enamel:

Once the enamel has been weakened by acid, it will begin to erode.

• Decay of the dentin:

The dentin is the layer of the tooth located beneath the enamel. Dentin can be even more vulnerable to decay because it’s softer than enamel. At this stage, the decay is irreversible and will require more aggressive treatment to restore the tooth.

• The decay has reached the point of no return (or pulp):

The pulp is the innermost layer of the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels. At this stage, the decay is more advanced and can cause severe sensitivity or pain.

• Abscess:

An abscess is a throbbing, red lump that is full of pus. If left untreated, an abscess can cause severe pain and possibly lead to systemic illness.

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay Causes

Baby bottle tooth decay is caused by the frequent and long-term exposure of a child’s teeth to liquids containing sugars.

Examples of common liquids that are culprits of this type of decay are milk, formula, and fruit juice. It is advised to never allow children to fall asleep with a bottle containing sugary liquids.

Giving an infant a sugary liquid at sleeping time is harmful because during sleep, the flow of saliva decreases, allowing the sugary liquids to linger on the child’s teeth for an extended period of time, which causes infant tooth decay.

baby bottle tooth decay treatment

There are two procedures to treat baby bottle tooth decay tooth decay, we will mention them as follows:

Fluoride treatment:
If the decay is discovered as soon as the first spots appear, an application of fluoride gel can slow down the evolution of cavities.

• Dental extraction :

When the cavities are large, it is more complicated to treat baby bottle cavities. The solution used in this case is therefore extraction, often under general anesthesia.


Cleaning teeth at an early age is the best way to prevent baby bottle tooth decay. You can start cleaning babies’ teeth with water-soaked pads.

The decay can appear as dark or brown spots on the teeth. As the decay worsens, children might experience pain and swelling around the teeth.

These spots are caused by the demineralization of the tooth enamel, which is caused by acids produced by bacteria in the mouth.

The dentin is the layer of the tooth located beneath the enamel. Dentin can be even more vulnerable to decay because it’s softer than enamel. At this stage, the decay is irreversible and will require more aggressive treatment to restore the tooth.

Fluoride can be toxic if a person applies it incorrectly or at very high doses.


Baby bottle tooth decay, is what occurs when a child’s teeth become damaged from drinking out of a bottle. Drinking from a bottle is normal for infants and toddlers, however, it can cause tooth decay if not monitored.


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