Moustache Transplant

Moustache Transplant Guide in Turkey

mousetache transplant


Most men want to have a good and thick moustache, as they associate the idea of ​​masculinity with the presence of a moustache. If you want to treat your moustache, moustache transplant may be a good option for you.


Due to hormonal imbalances, genetics, inflammations, and infections, many men suffer from spotty and patchy mustaches. Moustache transplant is a trendy topic these days, so that this procedure helps to gain a charismatic look on men’s faces.

The procedure is typically performed by a trained and experienced surgeon or dermatologist and can be done using various techniques, such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT).

Benefits of moustache transplant

There are many benefits of moustache transplant procedure, here are some of them :

• No stitches and scars:

Since the transplant is carried out with the help of needle punches, there are no scars or stitches.

• Minimally invasive procedure:

No major cuts and stitches are involved in this procedure, so moustache transplant is considered one of the least invasive procedures.

• Minimal post-operative pain:

In this procedure a local anesthesia is administered before the procedure which numbs all the sensations in the area to be operated, so the pain is very minimal.

• Naturally thick moustache:

In the matter of a few months and with proper care, you will be sporting a naturally lush and thick moustache.

• Short recovery time:

The surgery is generally out-patient and takes two to three hours, and the recovery time is very short.


prepare for moustache transplant procedure

If you want to undergo a moustache transplant, you must first book an appointment with a specialist doctor to explain to you everything about this procedure.

The doctor will also perform a physical examination and review your complete medical history. Avoid alcohol a few days before surgery so that it does not affect the anesthesia process.

Avoid cutting your hair, especially the back of the scalp, as this area is ideal for extracting hair follicles because the hair texture there matches your facial hair.

steps of moustache transpLANT procedure

A moustache transplant  procedure includes the following steps:

Step 1-Anesthesia:

The doctor applies local anesthesia to the face in the moustache area and to the donor area from which he will take the hair follicles, usually the back of the head.

Step 2-Hair follicle extraction:

The doctor then extracts the hair follicle units from the donor area (the area from which the hair follicles are taken) by using one of the techniques for extracting follicular units, such as the FUE technique.

Step 3-Transplantation of extracted hair roots:

The doctor then implants the extracted hair roots in the moustache area, so that hair growth begins naturally after a month.


recovery after moustache transplant procedure

There will be some swelling on the operated area after moustache transplant procedure. Keeping your head in an elevated position will reduce the swelling. This swelling will subside in a couple of days.

An excess of physical activity might cause damage to the hair grafts, making the whole procedure futile, so you should avoid strenuous activities for at least a couple of days or a week.

Avoid the contact of water. Do not wet the transplanted area for at least a week after the surgery, similarly, do not use your razor to shave your facial hair, for at least a week.


side effects of moustache transplant

The side effects of mousetache transplant procedure are as follow:

• Physical reactions:

After a moustache transplant procedure, be aware of some physical reactions that your body demonstrates and do not worry about them.

• Bleeding:

The patient can encounter bleeding in the transplanted area, so that it leaves red spots on the mustache area. This spots will vanish after a few days.

• Swelling on the upper lip:

Swelling on the upper lip is another side effect of the procedure.

• Crusting on the upper lift:

The patient encounters crusting on the upper lift and may feel itchy. It is better not to rub and scratch the transplanted area. In a week, crusting and itching will fade away.



Moustache transplant techniques primarily include Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). In FUE, individual hair follicles are extracted from a donor area, usually the back of the head, and then meticulously implanted into the moustache region.

A moustache transplant is considered an invasive procedure. It involves the surgical extraction of hair follicles from a donor area, usually the back of the scalp, and transplanting them to the upper lip.

A moustache transplant is considered an invasive procedure. It involves the surgical harvesting of hair follicles from a donor site, usually located on the scalp or other body areas. These follicles are then implanted into the designated area of the upper lip to create a fuller moustache.

After a moustache transplant, hair typically starts to grow back within a few months. Patients may notice initial growth around the three-month mark, although this can vary from person to person.

After a moustache transplant, swelling around the transplant site is a common occurrence. Typically, this swelling begins to peak within the first 48 to 72 hours post-procedure.


A moustache transplant is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles are taken from one area of the body and transplanted to the moustache area. The success rate of this procedure is generally high, and the results can be quite natural-looking.


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